Summer days

Summer days
I wish everyday was a beach walk.

Monday, 31 October 2011

The Halloween Party.

This past weekend found my husband and I at a Halloween Party. This was our first Halloween party we have ever found ourselves at in the 10 years since becoming parents. We are new to the Halloween scene, so we went with something fun, yet simple.  As big fans of Mad Men we went for the 1960's husband and wife and although it was a tad understated compared to the other mass murders, vampires and witches alike,we enjoyed playing the role. In fact that evening we sat down with a glass of wine and put on some "Bleeker Street" by Simon & Garfunkel. I was applying, and reapplying my "retro red " lips and telling the children to "run along now".  I was really getting into my Betty Draperish role. It turned out to be a good evening, a lot of laughs and after heading out for an evening of dancing I found myself researching which character I could become for next year's adventure. (My husbands hoping for a scantily clad lady cop.)

  Halloween is not my favorite holiday, in fact Halloween is not a holiday at all. We don't get a day off for it. It's just a day we celebrate and sometimes it can be a pain in my ass.

 However this year I finally understood that I had been depriving myself of the chance to be someone else for the night. All of the adults were having a great time! Cleopatra, was never as carefree in her life as she was this night. Cruella Devil, was both mean and as cute as a button, and the Hippies, were well what every good hippie should be...! I will admit, I was a tad rusty at staying in character ( double rye and gingers didn't help either) but I did have great time and who knows? Maybe next year I will be asking you for your "license and registrations please".

Happy Halloween!

It's that time of year again. The time of year I wish I would have waited a few more days before buying my candy because myself and my entire family have eaten the stash.

It's that time of year again. When I wish we lived in Northern California and not Atlantic Canada, where wearing your snowsuit under you costume is  a possiblity.

It's that time of year again. When little ghouls and goblins are out roaming the streets, grinning ear to ear while stashing bags full of free candy.

Its that time of year again. When I  look at my 3 measly pumpkins rotting on our front lawn and wonder if I will ever get it together to put something up, like that cool glow in the dark 6 foot pumpkin, which has a sleeping cat on top of it sitting regally on the lawn across the road.

It's that time of year again. When I thank my lucky stars I didn't pay the 100 bucks for that 6 foot, glow in the dark pumpkin, which has a sleeping cat on top of it as it deflates and blows down the road.

Trick or Treat Everyone !

Stay safe.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Body vs Brain

I was never one of those people who was always fit, or even thin, or "hot". I have always been one of those people who was cute, curvy, and pretty. I envied girls who were tall and shapely in the right areas. I learned to love myself eventually and after I had my first child I put every thought into raising her and my studies. I didn't think about what I was putting into my mouth, or my physical activity. . at all. Until I seen a picture of me and I was unrecognizable to myself. I started catching glimpses of myself in the mall windows and realized I had been happy with me...up until I wasn't happy with me. I began getting up early and  doing routines in my living room and dropped the weight.  Yeah me!!

Then Baby No. 2 came along and I pretty much did the same thing. I gave every waking moment to her first 2 years of life.  Looking back I realize that maybe I could have balanced that better. 2 years ago I lost the weight, only this time I am not looking to have a "hot bod" any more, this time I am concentrating on a forever lifestyle. It's challenging.

Any mother knows that life is busy, throw in a job and extracurricular activities and it's pure hell to try and squeeze out that drop of "me" time. But I have learned that I am much more agreeable after an hour at the gym. I feel happier and lighter. My main focus is my health. Mentally and Physically the gym provides me with the stability to ...well lets face it...not go insane. This motherhood thing is rough.
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Tonight I took a fellow mom with me to the gym. It had been her first time in 7 years and she has put every ounce of herself into her two children. Every spare moment is dedicated to them.  She finally took some "me" time today.  I think she was disappointed with her appearance, and felt uncomfortable in her body ( I still think she is amazingly beautiful) and I understand her plight. Its a little bit like being in someone else's body. It feels a bit like a dream.  However, the first step is to just move your body and embrace that you did it and you did good.

There are all different shapes and sizes in this world, but in the end we have to love ourselves in order to love our kids and try to be the best of our selves that we can be.


My daughters are funny little girls. Perhaps I am biased, but I feel like they are wise beyond their years. Or at the very least cooler than I ever was. 

When I was little between the ages of 5 and 10 years old at least, my Halloween Costume list included a ghost ( bed sheet), Strawberry Shortcake ,a frightened child ( I was too afraid to go out one year, I will not divulge the age, but I was older than 6 and younger than 8) and a Punk Rocker. Since then I have donned a bed sheet more than once.  I may have written "ghost" across the front. Or if I didn't I should have because people have asked me many times who I was. 

Yet my daughters pick the most interesting costumes. And I can't begin to describe how I did not influence these choices. For the most part I am pumped at their creativity. For example my youngest loves blue, of course Avatar would be an obvious choice. Duh Mom! I would like to say that I let them pick what they want and let their creative juices flow. But I don't. I even bribed my oldest to wear some sort of princess costume in the 3rd grade. Because lets face it, Darth Vader for a young girl seems a tad taboo? But she insisted and who am I to argue? In the end their decisions were far better than anything I could think of. Bed sheet anyone?